Adult Jiu-Jitsu

Martial Arts & Jiu-Jitsu For Adults in Tulsa

At Method Jiu Jitsu, we provide adult martial arts classes in Tulsa for men and women who want to stay active and learn new skills, as well as those adults who wish to train hard and actively compete in jiu-jitsu. Our jiu-jitsu classes and instructors for adults will help you maximize your abilities. We have a fantastic team and outstanding members. Don’t hesitate, and there’s no reason to be intimidated with us. Come try a free class and see for yourself!

Method Jiu Jitsu team photo - community and training for adults

Why Adults Choose Method Jiu Jitsu in Tulsa?

There are hundreds of reasons that men and women choose jiu jitsu which is why jiu jitsu has been the fastest growing martial arts over the past decade. The top 3 reasons adults choose Method Jiu Jitsu…

Jiu Jitsu Fitness for Adults in Tulsa - Method Jiu Jitsu


Jiu Jitsu and learning to grapple is one of the best workouts an adult can do. Regardless of your age, size, or strength, grappling will burn calories and improve your cardio without having to run on a treadmill. If you are looking for a great workout without the dumbbells, come try a jiu-jitsu class for adults in Tulsa.

friends grappling and laughing at Method Jiu Jitsu in Tulsa


The facility and quality of instruction are important but it’s no secret that the people make the gym. At Method Jiu Jitsu, we are an inviting gym that welcomes new people at all levels, from jiu jitsu for beginner adults to BJJ World Champions. Our members become friends and look forward to learning, growing, and pushing each other.

Best Jiu Jitsu Gym Tulsa - Method Jiu Jitsu


Method Jiu Jitsu has the nicest and cleanest gym in the Tulsa area. Cleanliness is important when selecting a gym for health and safety reasons. We take pride in our Tulsa adult martial arts facility and it will be the first thing you notice when you step foot inside our gym. Come visit us and see for yourself.

What do actual Method Jiu-Jitsu members say?

We have 100+ “5 Star” reviews from real students.

Why Do Adults Need Jiu Jitsu?

Whether you’re a young adult who is fit and looking for community and amazing workouts, or if you’re hitting the middle 30s, 40s, and 50s and it’s been a while since you’ve been active, adult jiu jitsu classes could change your life. Here’s why…

Over 40% of adults are now obese

Up nearly 12% from the 1990s. Adults are sitting too much, eating poorly, and not getting enough exercise. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu for adults helps with cardio, strength, and overall fitness to help keep you out of the 40%.

Sitting is the new Smoking

Too many adults are sedentary. With more jobs requiring us to sit at desks all day, adults aren’t get the steps and physical activity in that previous generations did.

Rising Healthcare Costs

Over the past 10 years, healthcare costs have shot up more than 60% to over $10,000 per person. Staying active regularly with activities like jiu jitsu are the only way to stay fit and keep healthcare costs down.

Endorsed By World Champions

“Professor Dallas Niles’ technical understanding & passion for Jiu-Jitsu led him to quickly become one of my best instructors & training partners. He has mastered several positions & techniques that I believe very few have the same level. I am very excited for him to take his knowledge & teaching experience to Tulsa to create a fun learning environment where people can become the best versions of themselves through their Jiu-Jitsu journey. I’m looking forward to seeing the Lovato Jiu-Jitsu Black Belts that he creates!!!” -Rafael Lovato Jr. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World Champion


Our school for adult martial arts in Tulsa is in the shopping center at the northeast corner of E. 81st St and S Sheridan Rd, across the street from Walmart, a few blocks west of S. Memorial Dr. in Tulsa. Click the map below to get directions.


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